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The Irish Wolfhound Archives

Courtesy of Elizabeth C. Murphy


 Featuring early works of Capt. G. Graham, Fr. E Hogan, S.J., Mr. John Baily, & others


                                                                                                            W. H. Ward Revised Date (1850-1882)
                                                                                                         ‘see text in E C Murphy Collection'


Over the years I have collected and received a large amount of interesting and archival material relating to The Irish Wolfhound.   Now I feel that the time has come to make a start on the sorting and recording of this material. 

To devote my time to this worthwhile project I am standing down as President of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Ireland, a position I have had the honour of holding for nearly twenty years in all. I am also standing down as President of the European Federation of Irish Wolfhounds Clubs(EIWC) and I would like to express my thanks  to the EIWC for the great honour of appointing me Honorary President at their Congress 2008.

In order to make as much as possible of this material available to breed enthusiasts at home and abroad it seemed a good idea to create a dedicated website. The build-up of the site will be random because if I was to do all the collating and sorting in advance I would probably never get it on record. 

The archival material may well be of interest to the few rather than the many among Wolfhound people and it is to these few I dedicate the site, but also hope that the many will find something of interest there.


Betty Murphy




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Updated 10/05/17 17:46:06 +0100 By Maureen Byrne see Links


© Copyright © 2006-2071 The Irish Wolfhound Archives.